Story of Style

Jillian Marie
"The fullness of experience comes from learning through the art forms, Learning about ourselves, people and the creative process. It reminds me there's a bigger picture that we're connecting with."
The 360style concept was born from a vision, a vision of a complete and total experience like a circle that has every point. An all inclusive experience that serves the whole individual inside and out. It was really highlighting that moment when the chair swings around, your eyes hit the mirror and all you can do is smile. Full strut with full confidence you boldly return to the world. Uplifted, loosened up, relaxed and ready, embracing your natural style!
Creating an environment that encourages that type of enhancement. The type that moves the soul and brings out your heart smile is my focus. It's Looking good and finding the good within to highlight. It's about creating an environment open and accepting to all types of people. Multicultural, Unisex, full service, positive and on trend. Redefining complete one stop shop on with new a level. The beauty mindset and encouragement of a lifestyle that is 360. With the foundation of quality service and amazing style every time.
360 style team is artistic, we are edgy, we care about people and we've got style. Your unique expression is the one we need in the world, we support that mission with every loc, twist, curl and fade that walks out the door. Productions, Photoshoots, Video, Weddings and just everyday style we are well versed and ready to create. Serving our community is very important and I believe that together we go further. Thank you for being a part of the journey.
Maybe finding the perfect style is finding individuality, unique expression and your passion. Educate, Empower and Express! THAT is 360style
" Be you, everyone else is already taken" -Oscar Wilde
With gratitude,
Jillian Marie